Soda Popsicles

Photo by Stephanie Knewasser

From the kitchen of Stephanie Knewasser

1 c soda, try different flavors to discover your family’s favorite

2/3 c water

1/4 c sugar

1/8 tsp vanilla (optional)*

Let the soda go flat by leaving it on the counter & giving it an occasional stir.

Meanwhile, over low heat, warm the sugar & water in a small pot.

Stir until dissolved.

Heat for 5 minutes creating a simple syrup.

Add the soda to the simple syrup.

If desired, add a little vanilla.

Pour into popsicle mold.


*A note on vanilla:

We all agreed the vanilla enhanced the Cream Soda Pops. We had some votes for vanilla, some against, with the Orange Pops. Use your judgement for when to add a splash of vanilla.

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